Calling: A Look Ahead

Each December or so, the Lord reveals my theme word for the new year. In late December or early January, I take notes about the various implications of the word and look up pertinent scriptures. I usually discover another “us and God” word as God reveals my part (and His) of this new focus. My 2023 word is calling, and I want to share my look ahead with you.

Calling as a verb

Calling is a present-tense action word. We see it in such places as calling in a favor, calling my mom, or calling my husband for supper. It is an action, in progress.

For the last couple of years, I have read through the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Its voice conveys the sense of being spoken to directly by God. The readings are loving, personal messages from a personal God.

This morning, it occurred to me that this title is the perfect example of my focus word. The book isn’t named Jesus Called, like He did it once and you’re out of luck if you didn’t get the memo. Its name is Jesus Calling. Day by day, He continually beckons us to come, and He promises nourishment for those who consistently heed the call.

Calling as a Noun

My second understanding of this word is as a noun. Honestly, that’s where my mind went when I learned my word for this year. There is much talk about this aspect of calling in Christian circles; the idea of calling as the result of God leading us to do or be something for Him.

My primary “calling” in this season is motherhood. However, I’m also called to be a wife, an encourager, a teacher, a writer, and a prayer warrior. My most important calling, regardless of my season of life, is to be a child of God. I must focus on seeking His face in all I do, practicing His presence in every circumstance, and bringing Him glory through prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.

Calling: What’s MY Part?

The final aspect of calling is MY part. First, I am to call out His name in prayer. I am to pray with all that is within me, without stopping, and in every circumstance. We are to call out to Him in prayer and expect Him to hear and answer us.

Second, I am to call out, shout, and sing His praises. We are to praise Him for what He has done, all His wonderful deeds, His presence, protection, provision, and salvation. We are to shout for joy!

Finally, I am to call His name to the ends of the earth. We are instructed to make disciples wherever we go. We are to tell others of His goodness, faithfulness, and unfailing love. A relationship with Jesus is, truly, something to shout about!

So, what?

When I first started my blog several years ago, it was called Walking Toward Wisdom. The premise was that, as God showed me new truths and lessons, I would share them with others to lead them toward Jesus.

Today, I’m sharing thoughts about calling and asking you to ponder them. Are you regularly connecting with God, listening for what He’s asking you to do? Are you in regular communion with Him to get those marching orders? Do you know what specific tasks and purposes He is calling you to in this season? If not, seek Him in prayer. Finally, are you calling out to others, sharing the goodness and faithfulness of God? If not, ask Him to help you do so.

Lord, thank you for this idea of calling. Help us to make time with you, not a task we do but a privilege of being your child. Help us seek your face for the revelation of your plans and purposes for our lives. Equip us and encourage us to share you with all who will listen, that all might come to faith in your Son, in Jesus’ name, amen.