Called to a Calling

In January here on my blog, I revealed my word for 2023: Calling. We talked about how God never stops calling to us. He is always there: in a sunset, a smile, or a baby’s cry. His voice in our lives never stops, ever desiring to draw us closer to Him. All of that is still true.

Today, however, I want to talk about being called: a moment in time, a line in the sand, a request, the beginning of something. God called us at the moment of salvation, and we answered the call. We called to Him for help, and He rescued us. We call to Him in prayer, and He hears and answers our prayers.

  • Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left (Isaiah 30:21 NLT)
  • Out of my distress I called on the Lord: the Lord answered me and set me free (Psalm 118:5 ESV).
  • “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1b NLT).
  • For everyone who calls on my name will be saved (Romans 10:13 NLT).

Stay the Course

This idea of being called by God can feel a little tricky. In some seasons, the call is clear: We might be called to be single, married, mamas, or professionals, and we work hard to fulfill that call. Some phases are transitional. The end of one season is the beginning of another. Sometimes, we must learn to step into a new calling such as mothering, grandmothering, a new job, or retirement.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago (Ephesians 2:10). God had plans for each of us before He even laid the foundation of the world. When God calls us to a task or season, He is calling us for it, toward it, and to it. He has perfect plans for what He wants each of us to create, say, see, do, and be.

God is not a man that He should lie or change His mind (Numbers 23:19). However, seasons do come and go, and some callings are but for a season. Sometimes, God’s call on our life is easy to hear while other calls require us to be still and listen for that still, small voice.

Called Forward

In Ephesians 4:1, Paul encourages us to “lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” As believers in Jesus, if we are still breathing, we are called to be making a difference in the kingdom of God. Each person is different, and each season is different, but we are always called to do something for God.

If you haven’t yet discerned what God is calling you toward in this season, quiet your heart before the Lord. Ask Him to show you, and ask Him to help you see what He is revealing.

The pursuit and execution of our calling resemble tending to a garden. That initial nudge and flutter in our spirit (“God is calling ME to do THIS!”) is the seed of what’s ahead. He plants that seed in the garden of our heart and He makes us the gardener.

Weeding and Watering

We water that seed (our calling) by obeying God and doing whatever He is asking of us. We acquire new skills, go new places, and meet new people if necessary, and walk forward into this new territory, whatever it is.

While knowing the call is half the battle, there is work ahead. We then have to do it. Pursue it. We must steward the calling; water it, if you will. The calling must be honored and protected it. We must guard it by devoting ourselves to it, even when it’s hard, even when crazy things happen, and even when we feel like there isn’t enough time or ability. God didn’t promise He would call us to easy tasks, but He does promise to equip us for each call He gives.

Imagine a physical garden. You don’t just plant now and harvest later. You must keep it diligently. Any gardener will tell you, roadblocks are inevitable. There may be droughts that require you to do extra watering. You must tend it even when you don’t feel like it. Rainy days will hinder your attention to the garden.

Rain leads to WEEDS! Just when you get a good rhythm going, something may go wrong. The weeds in the garden of calling look like disruption, illness, and obligations. Weeds also masquerade as excuses, distractions, and procrastination. But remember, God doesn’t change His mind. Once you feel a call from God to do something, expect the weeds, and be prepared to conquer them.

Now, What?

We must set our face like a flint, moving toward the prize of eternity with God, walking in obedience through one calling at a time. I agree to God’s calling by obeying it and partnering with Him in His kingdom business. Let’s ask God to partner with us by asking for His help in every phase. When we yoke ourselves to the Father, He allows the “plant” of our calling to grow, bloom, and flourish.