B is for Big

Great is our Lord and abundant in power.  His understanding is beyond measure (Psalm 147:5).  To learn more about who and how God is, read all of Psalm 147!  It’s awesome!

Have you ever gazed into the night sky at the stars and thought about them?  The Bible says they can’t be counted…and yet it also says that God not only knows how many there are but knows them by name!

What do you think of when I say the word “big”?  Your mom…who can talk on her phone and carry 10 grocery bags AND your baby sister from the car, all at the same time?  Your dad who is bigger, stronger, smarter, and faster than the dads of all your friends?  The elephants at the circus who can put up that HUGE circus tent?  The monster trucks that can roll over 10 cars at once and make them look like pancakes?  Well, guess what??  Our God is bigger than all the moms, dads, elephants AND monster trucks…put together!

In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, He created the heavens and the earth and everything in it!  That’s all the planets, suns, moons, flowers, trees, birds, fish, animals, etc. in the whole universe!  THEN…he made Adam out of dust and Eve from Adam’s rib!  Later, He helped David kill a giant with a slingshot and a stone!  He rescued all of Israel by parting the Red Sea and letting them walk across it on dry ground…and then closed the waters behind them and drowned the entire army that was chasing them!

The Bible says that God knows everything, sees everything, understands everything, created everything, feels our emotions, knew every second of every life that would ever be BEFORE He created them!  It says He knows how many hairs we have and how many days we will live, before our hairs or days even exist!  He protects us, gives us peace, collects our tears in a bottle, and lifts our head when it’s droopy!

Today, I just want to remind you that God is bigger than your fear, your pain, your past, your mistakes, and any challenge you may face in your life!

Lord, Jesus, I thank you for each and every child who is reading this and learning about you, today!  I pray that you would wrap your arms around each one and let them know how big you are and how much you love them!  Help them see signs of you all around them!  Surround them with your peace and protection, and meet each need they have!  In Jesus’ name, Amen!