Encouraging moms toward
freedom in Jesus
I have been a wife and mom for over 2 decades! My husband, 4 daughters, and I live in central Illinois. We have 3 by birth and one through international adoption.
I am, first and foremost, a Christian. Then, I am a wife and a mama. I have experienced many facets of motherhood: birth and adoption, various educational mediums (home, public, and private schools), attachment struggles, anxiety, food allergies, asthma, and unexpected neurological diagnoses.
I’ve also encountered my own physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. One significant physical experience that shaped me is Alopecia Universalis (an autoimmune disorder whose only symptom is total hair loss) in my late 30’s.
Each season and challenge increased my awareness of my need for God!
Motherhood is the beat of my heart. God has shown me lies I believe and limiting beliefs that hinder me. He has given me truths to replace them. Slowly but surely, I am allowing myself to receive them.
I see you, Mom, and I understand.
I’ve tossed and turned through sleepless nights and cried tears of joy and of sorrow. I’ve had prayers answered my way and others answered God’s way.
I long to share what I’ve learned with you, a fellow mom in the trenches of motherhood. It’s a sacred calling. Embrace it. Walk with me.