B is for Believe!

Be not afraid!  Only Believe!  (Mark 5:36)

Believe: (verb) to be certain of a specific truth; to have faith; to have confidence in something; to be convinced about something

As I pondered “B words,” this one came to me quickly.  To believe is a command that we see in both testaments of the scriptures, in multiple contexts.  As I began to dig, I found many instances of this word!

We are told many things about believing… In whatever we shall ask for, if we believe when we ask, we shall receive (Matthew 21:22).  We are not to allow our hearts to be troubled, but to believe in God, and also in Christ Jesus (John 14:1)  If we believe in Jesus, we will be saved and not condemned (John 3:18; Acts 16:31).   By simply believing that Jesus is the Messaiah, we shall have life in His name (John 20:31).

What I am understanding is that believing has 2 parts…Draw a line in the sand and then stand.  Repent and believe (Mark 1:15).  To repent means to turn away from, and believe means to stand strong in your understanding!  In John 20:27, the resurrected Jesus tells doubting Thomas to stop doubting and believe.  Turn away from your doubts and stand firmly in the hope that we have in Jesus!  To me, there is a staunch, firm stance required to believe.  It is to be immovable, to not be shaken, no matter what we see, feel, or are told by the enemy of our souls!

As I searched out scriptures about “believing,” several similar words kept popping up!  words like hope…putting our hope in the God of those who believe (1 Tim. 4:10), having our strength renewed by hoping in the Lord (Is. 40:31)…and faith…confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1), and not being able to please God without having faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6)…and trust…The Lord is our strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me (Psalm 28:7), and the righteous of God remain steadfast by trusting in Him (Psalm 112:6-7).

All of these are very strong words!  They don’t waver or get whipped around by the storms of this life!  They stand upon the Rock that is Jesus Christ our Lord!  They aren’t dependent upon circumstances.  Jesus doesn’t change!  We can be confident, trusting, faithful, hopeful, confident, planted people…by believing on the name of the Lord, by which we shall be saved!  Believing is a choice to claim God’s authority in our lives, no matter what!

Lord, Jesus, tonight, at the end of Easter Sunday, we are renewing our choice to put our entire lives in your hands!  We are trusting you who sent your Son to die in our place on that cruel cross.  We are resting tonight in the hope that started with a wooden tree and ended with a rolled away stone, an empty tomb, neatly folded grave clothes, and a resurrected Savior!  We are choosing to BELIEVE, to hope, rest, and trust in you, and  in you alone!  In Jesus’ name, Amen!